POSER VOS QUESTIONS AU DR.AGNES, CEO de Herborium et experte en médecine naturelle.
It's New Year's Eve. You might be rocking your festive makeup, and you're totally pumped about your New Year's resolutions. But sometimes, after the glitz and glam of New Year's Eve has worn off, the resolutions we made with the best of intentions and all the motivation in the world are forgotten or just fade away with the daily rush.
That doesn't have to happen this year. If you've ever lost sight of a New Year's resolution, you will benefit from these tips on how to make healthy changes in your life that will help you to achieve clear skin and how to stick with these changes all year long.
The first thing you must do is BELIEVE that your goals are realistic and achievable. To do this, imagine how your life will look and how you will feel once you've made your New Year's resolutions a part of your everyday life. Visualize yourself with clearer skin because you stuck with your acne treatment and skincare routine. Imagine how good you'll feel when you're finally eating right for your skin, or how much more energy you'll have once you make moderate exercise a regular habit. See the new you, and remember that these changes will help you to get the most out of life.
Don't just tell yourself what you're going to change in 2014--tell everyone! Keeping your resolutions to yourself will make them easier to break. So share your resolutions with family and friends and ask for their support. Write your resolutions down and keep the list in a place where you'll see it every day, perhaps taping it on the wall next your bed or sticking it on the fridge. This will make your resolutions feel real. If you are someone who needs extra support, the AcnEase® team is always here to help. We support you in your endeavor for a healthier, happier life.
Making changes in your own life can be extremely challenging, and take time, commitment, effort and perseverance. So be sure to reward yourself for the changes you are making. If you succeed in doing 30 minutes of acne-friendly exercise each morning before work, celebrate with a guilt-free viewing of your favorite TV show that evening. If you eat well for your skin all week, reward yourself with a night out. It will keep you motivated the following week!
It's the second week of February. Things are going great. You've made a few big changes in your life and you couldn't be more proud of your progress. But then, oops, you slip up. Perhaps you resolved to eat the right sugars but find yourself devouring candy and chocolate on Valentine's Day,. Perhaps you forgot to wash off your makeup a few nights in a row or even forgot to take your AcnEase®. Does it mean you failed? NO!To make mistakes is human--but to return to the right track is a quality of a true winner.Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is an an acne-free life.
Wishing you strength,confidence and a very happy and successful 2014, Dr. A