POSER VOS QUESTIONS AU DR.AGNES, CEO de Herborium et experte en médecine naturelle.
L'activité intense stimule la production de testostérone qui stimule à son tour les glandes sébacées. Les boutons sur le dos et la poitrine, même sur les épaules sont plus fréquents, plus persistants, et nécessitent un traitement plus intense.
(A) Si vous avez de l'acné du corps modérée à sévère, vous aurez peut-être besoin de plus de 18 semaines de traitement.
(B)Une fois qu'une amélioration sensible est obtenue, la dose peut être réduite jusqu'à 12 comprimés (3x4 comprimés/jour) par jour.
Principaux avantages:
I have been a sufferer of acne for as long as I can remember. First it was the normal adolescent acne, but being an athlete it soon spread to my back. Since then, the face acne is all gone with the exception of a black head here and there. I remained an athlete my whole life and with that came my body acne. I developed blackheads, cysts, and scars on my back. I'm now 36 and was completely hopeless. I've tried everything. I really thought I was just going to live like this forever. Embarrased at the beach. Mortified in the bedroom. Scared to have a massage. It's how I lived for my entire adult life. I have a friend who handed me a bottle of Acnease. He said try this; with the agreement I'd replace his bottle if it worked. LOL. So I tried Acnease. In a week my skin felt tighter and not as oily. So I ordered a supply for body acne, giving back my friend his one bottle. I'm currently still taking Acnease on a maintenance dose. Within 3 to 4 weeks I had results I've never experienced before. My acne is 90 percent gone.. less blackheads...less cysts....less oil....AND LESS SCARS!!! What a Godsend!!!!!! I just went to a water park in confidence for the first time in YEARS! I don't mind walking around with my shirt off. It really has made a huge difference in my confidence. I owe it all to Acnease. So easy to take, not messy like all the other stuff I tried, and no waiting around while whatever I was able to get on my body dried so I could put my shirt back on. In all seriousness; Acnease changed who I am inside and out. Good luck to all who try this product. It works.
When I first came to AcnEase, I had no clue what to take. I just knew I had a real bad problem with acne. I had it ALL OVER my face and back - it was horrible. It's so great to use the past tense when I say that too. Now, on the other side 5 months later, I can safely say that I would recommend this product without reservation to anyone who is looking for a safe and effective alternative to EVERYTHING else out there claiming to treat acne. This is the REAL DEAL!!!